Saturday, June 26, 2010

Going with the Flow

My son is with his grandparents today. 

My mom offered to keep him through his nap.  I wasn't sure because I was worried about how long he would sleep at her house, but I decided to just go with it. 

It turns out that the people that live above me (we live in a condo) are having their bathroom floor re-tiled today, which has involved non-stop banging.  At home would have been the worst place we could take a nap today.

Yet another example of how I don't always know best, but that He does.


  1. thank you for the sweet comment today. glad your little one got a peaceful rest (and hopefully you did too)!

  2. Thanks so much for the monkey inspiration!!! That was sooo thoughtful!!!!

  3. Jenni,
    Hey could you email me your mailing address so i can send ya your brand new bag??

  4. So true, so true. Even in the little things God goes before us to take care of things. Thank you for the inspiration today (:

    Have a wonderful week!
    ~ Michele
